The NatHERS Universal Certificate survey

The NatHERS Administrator will be releasing an updated NatHERS Universal Certificate (UC) in line with the 2019 National Construction Code and Chenath updates.

The NatHERS Administrator will be releasing an updated NatHERS Universal Certificate (UC) in line with the 2019 National Construction Code and Chenath updates. To ensure the updated certificate meets the requirements of building surveyors and certifiers, a survey has been released to the building surveyor peak bodies. The goal of the survey is to find any areas in the certificate that are unclear, unhelpful or unnecessary. Based on the feedback received from the survey, the certificate will be updated to better serve building surveyors and certifiers.

The NatHERS Universal Certificate (the certificate) is the only way of showing that a dwelling meets the requirements of the NatHERS pathway in the National Construction Code. The current form of the certificate has been in use for a few years now and the NatHERS Administrator are working to make it clearer and easier to use. To make the certificate work best for building surveyors and certifiers, your input is needed. Please complete this 5 minute survey to have your say. The survey is open until Friday the 18th of May.

If you have any questions about the survey please contact Claire Lewis or 02 6275 9613.