JAS-ANZ suspends the accreditation of CMI International

The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand has suspended the accreditation of CertMark International, operator of CodeMark, WaterMark and the CertMark Product Certification Scheme. The suspension commenced on 10 July 2019.

The Commonwealth Government agency that accredits certification bodies, the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ), has suspended the accreditation of CertMark International (CMI). The suspension commenced on 10 July 2019.

CMI operates a number of accredited certification schemes used in the building and construction sector. They are:

  • CodeMark
  • WaterMark; and the
  • CertMark Product Certification Scheme.

Both CodeMark and WaterMark are used as evidence of suitability under the National Construction Code. The CertMark Product Certification Scheme has no regulatory status in the Victorian building regime.

Reasons for suspension

The suspension is due to CMI not meeting scheme accreditation requirements. The suspension may be lifted by JAS-ANZ if CMI resolves the issues that led to its suspension. CMI has been given 60 working days to resolve the issues.

Impact of suspension

While suspended, CMI cannot issue any new certificates under their accredited schemes. For the schemes that are evidence of suitability (i.e. CodeMark and WaterMark), any certificates issued by CMI remain valid during the period of suspension and remain as evidence of suitability.

Updates on the suspension

The VBA will provide updates on the progress of the suspension as information becomes available. Those updates will appear in this section of the VBA website.

Update on CMI certificates withdrawn in March 2019 and impact of this decision on them

While not directly related to the suspension decision, in February 2019, nine CMI certificates were withdrawn and CMI have previously indicated that they are progressing with the recertification of five of them. The impact of the suspension is that CMI will not be able to recertify these products during the period of suspension.

Related: Practitioners urged to take due care when relying on CodeMark Certificates of Conformity

General guidance on use of certificates of conformity

Practitioners are reminded of the need to be prudent in relying on a certificate of conformity. They must ensure that:

  • the certificate is current
  • the proposed use of the product is within the scope of the certificate; and
  • that the certificate covers all of the Code obligations for the product. If not, practitioners must obtain other evidence of compliance for those Clauses.

Checking the status of certificates

For more guidance on the use of certificates, refer to the VBA article Practitioners urged to take due care when relying on CodeMark Certificates of Conformity.

Further information on the CMI suspension can be found on the JAS-ANZ website and the Australian Building Codes Board website.