More VBA scrutiny for non-compliant plumbers

Plumbing inspector
Increased scrutiny awaits plumbers who are found responsible for non-compliant work.

The Victorian Building Authority is warning licensed plumbers their work will come under increased scrutiny if they are found to have done non-compliant work.

Under the toughened compliance regime, licensed plumbers found responsible for non-compliant work while the VBA assesses a complaint will undergo a random audit of their recent work within four to eight weeks of the complaint being finalised.

In addition, licensed plumbers whose work fails a routine compliance audit will be issued with a rectification notice and scheduled for another audit within four weeks of the failed work being rectified.

The changes are designed to prioritise the risk associated with licensed plumbers doing non-compliant work and encourage both behavioural change and upskilling where required.

Plumbers can avoid a complaint to the VBA by ensuring all plumbing work is compliant, or, if a mistake does occur, by returning promptly to rectify the problem. This is undoubtedly the best outcome for all concerned.

More information about the VBA’s Plumbing Audit Program is available on our website.